Seminar “Special investigations for artifacts in C.A.P.”

The ASTM group, through SINA, has always been active with inspections aimed at verifying the state of conservation of complex structures such as bridges, viaducts and tunnels, as well as the possible subsequent development of a specific program of interventions aimed at bringing the work back into together with an adequate standard of performance and safety. The activity is aimed at ensuring the Infrastructure Manager timely information, constant specialized technical support and what is necessary to set up adequate maintenance plans. In the most recent period, national authorities have approved guidelines applicable to the case of road bridges. This renewed governmental attention has also promoted the development of an innovative approach to special investigations for reinforced concrete artefacts. of the ASTM group, an approach developed thanks to a specific line of research launched by the University of Pisa.

These innovative methodologies integrate the professionalism and experience acquired in the field by the technicians in charge of carrying out the checks, interpreting the results and the consequent proposal phase of the interventions. The study morning tries to illustrate the evaluation process as a whole.


08:55 Connection with the Zoom platform

09:00 Opening of works
Ing. Salvatore Crapanzano – Infrastructure and Transport Commission of the Milan Order of Engineers
Roberto Arditi – SINA
Ing. Federico Lenti – Autostrada dei Fiori

09:10 Emanuele Renzi – ANSFISA
Infrastructure risk management and the role of ANSFISA

09:30 Michele Mori – SINA – ASTM Group
Surveillance activities of works of art

09:55 Walter Salvatore – University of Pisa
New guidelines for the assessment of road bridges: special inspections

10:15 Massimo Gammino – SINA
Application of the methodology to the case studies of A6 and A11/A12

10:30 Andrea Piscini – University of Pisa
Experimental verification of the proposed methodology and calibration

10:45am 10 minute break
Technical and experimental methodologies for the application of the Special Stages:

10:55 Marco Ciano – Boviar, Massimiliano La Porta – In Situ
US Radar and Tomograph

11:15 Giulia Pigliapoco – Evolvea

11:30 Francesco Chichi – 2FLab
X-ray diffractometry and tension release

11:45 Simone Ferrari / Marcello Guelpa – Tecnopiemonte
Boroscopy / First Conclusions of the Gdl for testing the Guidelines

12:05 Marcello De Marco and Giampiero Liberati – ANAS
ANAS experience in the surveillance of works of art

12:25 Alberto Contardi
Examples of classification according to the guidelines

12:40 Interactive debate – moderated by Roberto Arditi – SINA

13:20 Marco Garozzo – SINA
Conclusions and current addresses on the subject

13:30 Closing of the seminar

Salvatore Crapanzano

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