FABRE and the Calvatone – Acquanegra Bridge


The President of the Fabre Consortium Walter Salvatore together with other technicians from the University of Pisa carried out an inspection of the iron bridge in Calvatone (Cremona) on 7 March 2024. The surveys carried out as part of FABRE’s activities will serve to draw up a report on the state of the bridge, which has been closed since 9 June 2023 as it was declared unusable.

The Calvatone-Acquanegra bridge, crossing the Oglio river, unites the two provinces of Mantua and Cremona. The two Provinces have contacted the FABRE Consortium to resolve the issue: either repair the historic building, which has been closed for nine months now, or rebuild it from scratch, demolishing the current one.

The inspection in a video by CremonaTv


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