Master in Evaluation and management of the safety of existing infrastructural works


The Master in Evaluation and management of the safety of existing infrastructural works, promoted and organized by the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in collaboration with the FABRE Consortium is in full swing.

The Master aims to train highly specialized professionals in the evaluation and management of the safety of existing infrastructural works of art: bridges, viaducts and tunnels, also considering the environment in which these works are inserted and the assets displayed related to them. The trained professional figure will be able to plan the path of knowledge essential to set up accurate checks, taking into account the different interacting risk elements; analyze and model the works of art with reference to the structural aspects and possible interferences caused by hydraulic, geotechnical and landslide phenomena; identify the actions to be implemented and plan the intervention policies in relation to the outcomes and the technical-economic evaluation of the alternatives, taking into account the effects on the network.

The lesson program is updated in real time on this page.