Scientific research at the service of infrastructures


Scientific research at the service of infrastructure is the title of the FABRE Study Days that will be held on February 12 and 13 in Perugia – Auditorium di San Francesco al Prato.

The Italian infrastructure heritage is a resource of inestimable value, fundamental for the connectivity and economic and social progress of our country. Ensuring the durability, efficiency and reliability of bridges, viaducts and tunnels requires the development of innovative strategies for their management, evaluation and maintenance, as well as the adoption of advanced technologies for control, surveillance and instrumental monitoring. In this context, scientific research plays a crucial role, making the most advanced knowledge available to the country system in the management of transport infrastructure, in the context of the green transition, digitalization, the development of artificial intelligence and supercomputing.

The event Scientific research at the service of infrastructure is aimed at researchers, professional technicians and public administration, engineering companies and entities involved in the management, development and maintenance of infrastructure. Companies wishing to present their services and products to a highly qualified and interested audience will be involved. The program of the study days includes speeches and round tables, with authoritative speakers, both national and international. Through case studies and application experiences, the event will offer an important opportunity for in-depth analysis and discussion on the state of research regarding the reliability of bridges, viaducts and tunnels, considering structural, foundational, seismic, hydraulic and landslide risks.

The goal is to guide all the actors involved towards a virtuous cultural growth, promoting a conscious and oriented application of the most advanced regulations, techniques and technologies in the sector.

Click here to download the event presentation flyer.


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